Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Blog # 1: Intital Reaction

My intital reaction to this book is that it is a mystery between the two characters the characters are living identical lives and yet they have never even met before. Alaric and Naia are both seventeen years old they are very similar to each other they both have the same dark eyes and hair, same long straight nose a wide mouth and they even have the same crooked front tooth. Alaric and Naia have also lived in the same house which is known as the Withern Rise. Alaric and Naia's mother are sisters who got into a devasting train crash two years ago, Naia's mother survived the train weck but Alaric's mother died in the crash. Alaric's life has not been the same since the accident he lives with his father Ivan. Alaric and his father barely speak and have troubles paying the bills. Naia is someone who almost lost her mother in the train weck but she comes from a wealthy family. Alaric and Naia meet for the first time at the Withern Rise house Naia and her mom Liney will be staying there till Alaric's father comes back from getting his new girlfriend. In the meantime Alaric and Naia continues to find secrets of the old house Withern Rise and Alaric finds a peice of old art work that his mother made and calles it lexie's folly, eveytime he touches the art work it brings him back memories of his mother. Naia finds old documents about the first person who lived in the Withern Rise home and the history behind the house, Naia wants to share this news with Alaric and toghter they might uncover the truth.

Have you ever lost someone in an accident or no someone who has? Has your life or their lives been effected by it a lot?


  1. Your book seems really interesting, but a little confusing as well. I've never lost someone in a car accident but I do know people who have lost someone close in an accident and it is really tragic. Their lives have been effected a lot by this tragic accident and its really hard to cope with a loss.

  2. I have known someone that has been in a car accident, but they didn't die. They were paralyzed from the waist down, and it was very devastating to all my parents friends. I cannot imagine the effects of their lives if he had died, it would of been really hard to deal with.

  3. After reading your summary, I would really like to read the book.It seems like a very interesting novel which I could get into. I have never lost someone in an accident nor do I know someone who has, but if I ever lost someone close to me in an accident then I dont know what I would do. It would be a very tragic and probably hurt me mentally and emotionally. I look forward to reading the next blog and getting to know how this stroy ends.

  4. Sounds like an interesting book with lots of plot twists and turns. I wonder why the two teenagers didn't know each other before since their mothers were sisters? I have lost someone very close to me in a motorcycle accident. It made me realize to live every moment to the fullest and to never take anyone for granted.

  5. your book sounds interesting but a little confusing at the same time. A friend of mine's brother got into a car crash with a drunk driver, the crash killed the passanger who was with the drunk driver, and left the driver paralyzed from the waist down. His brother got lucky and only broke his leg. I can't even imagine how the drivers life has changed after the crash.

  6. your book sounds interesting but a little confusing at the same time.I wonder why the two teenagers didn't know each other before since their mothers were sisters?I have never lost someone in an accident nor do I know someone who has, but if I ever lost someone close to me in an accident then I dont know what I would do.Their lives have been effected a lot by this tragic accident and its really hard to cope with a loss.

  7. Your book seems confusing but it also sounds like an interesting book to continue reading. I do know someone who was in a car accident and they did die. It didnt affect my life as much as other people because I wasnt exactly close to thaat person I just kind of knew who the person was. But that doesnt mean it wasnt still upsetting to hear. If the person had been someone I was close to I think it would have an impact on my life in some sort of way, but not having experience like that i wouldnt know, and nor do I ever want to experience that.
