Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Blog # 3: Conflict

In my novel there are a few conflict's that both of my characters face. The main one is a conflict where there trapped in the wrong lives and living different lives.

Close to the end of my book the characters Naia and Alaric travel to a tree which is known as the family tree Naia and Alaric always meet at the family tree using their time traveler known as Lexie's Folly. Naia and Alaric were both looking at their photo albums and came to the conclusion were they must have the same pictures. Naia and Alaric did have a similar photo where Naia was with her dad at a summer carnival, in Alaric's photo he was with his dad at a carnival but the only difference was he was making funny faces with his dad.

Naia and Alaric then decide to meet up at the family tree and they both brought their photo albums. Before Naia and Alaric switched identities they were telling each other that they were not the same person and to pull apart from each other. Naia and Alaric pulled apart from each other but before they did they each grabbed the bags buried in the snow that had their photo albums.

Then Naia and Alaric were back in a room but Naia was in Alaric's room and Alaric was in Naia's room that's when they realized that they grabbed the wrong book bag. Both rooms soon faded into there own rooms. Naia and Alaric were sitting in the their own rooms but soon discovered that the folly (time traveler) broke, it was shattered all over the floor.

Alaric and Naia are trapped in each other's lives living the wrong lives and with the folly broken there is no way of getting back to each other and switching identities.

This is a negative conflict because they are trapped in each others lives and living the wrong lives and with the folly broken there is no way of turning back. The positive side to this conflict is Naia and Alaric get to explore each others lives.

Question: If you were trapped in the wrong life, living someone else life would you continue to live their life or would you try to find a way back to your own life?

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Blog # 2 Character

One of the main characters in my novel is a boy name Alaric he lost his mother in a tragic train accident. Its been two years since he lost his mother and his life has been affected by this a lot. Alaric can never forget the day his mother lost her life, his father asked him if he wanted to go to the train station to go and pick her up but Alaric refused because he found a pornographic video at his school in the school yard. Alaric wanted to stay home and watch the video instead of going to see his mother that he haden't seen for a while.

Since Alaric lost his mother he feels guilty that he wanted to watch such a horrible video at the time of his mother's death and while watching this video Alaric felt the joy of watching this video. Alaric and his father are no longer communicating with each other since their lost the have grown apart from each other and since his father has left him with his aunt Liney because he went on a trip to go and bring his girlfriend home. Alaric feels angry with his dad and has stopped communicating with him and the only way they communicate is when his dad asks him a question. Alaric seems that he dosen't approve of his father moving on with his life. Alaric's weekness is himself and how he feels about his loss he has also given up on trying to move on and make the right choices for himself and his future.

The two main characters in this novel are very similar to each other they are both the same age(17 years old). They have the same dark eyes, and hair, same long striaght nose, wide mouth and they even have the same slightly crooked front tooth. Alaric lost his mother in a train wreak and Naia's mother almost lost her mother in the accident. The also have both discovered a way of travelling to each other by an old piece of art work that their mothers both have made. This is their way of communicating with each other. They have also lived in the same house before. Naia lived in the house a couple years before and Alaric is living in the Withern Rise house now.

If you were in Alaric's postion would you feel guilty that you refused to go and pick up your mother at a train station because you felt that there was something more important than your mother?

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Blog # 1: Intital Reaction

My intital reaction to this book is that it is a mystery between the two characters the characters are living identical lives and yet they have never even met before. Alaric and Naia are both seventeen years old they are very similar to each other they both have the same dark eyes and hair, same long straight nose a wide mouth and they even have the same crooked front tooth. Alaric and Naia have also lived in the same house which is known as the Withern Rise. Alaric and Naia's mother are sisters who got into a devasting train crash two years ago, Naia's mother survived the train weck but Alaric's mother died in the crash. Alaric's life has not been the same since the accident he lives with his father Ivan. Alaric and his father barely speak and have troubles paying the bills. Naia is someone who almost lost her mother in the train weck but she comes from a wealthy family. Alaric and Naia meet for the first time at the Withern Rise house Naia and her mom Liney will be staying there till Alaric's father comes back from getting his new girlfriend. In the meantime Alaric and Naia continues to find secrets of the old house Withern Rise and Alaric finds a peice of old art work that his mother made and calles it lexie's folly, eveytime he touches the art work it brings him back memories of his mother. Naia finds old documents about the first person who lived in the Withern Rise home and the history behind the house, Naia wants to share this news with Alaric and toghter they might uncover the truth.

Have you ever lost someone in an accident or no someone who has? Has your life or their lives been effected by it a lot?